
Your Creamy Dream

Brand Naming Visual Identity



In January 2021 we were approached by 3 Dots Icecream LLP India to name their upcoming packaged ice cream brand. The company had some brand names in mind but most could not work out due to similar marks.


Our aim was to name a brand that would even do well in the rural regions where there are people with low language proficiency. We carried out lists of sounds that evoke a happy and carefree feeling. The target audience was mostly kids and teenagers. The ice cream brand name Musto was inspired by the word Must which means Necessary in English and Mast a Hindi word that means Fantastic. We appended an O, in the end, to make the sound sustain longer and eventually be more memorable.  Even checkout our brand name for Chinese sauces.


Naming an Indian Ice Cream Brand

  • Date

    January 8, 2021

  • Skills

    Linguistics, Sound Symbolism, Illustration

  • Client

    3 Dots Icecream LLP

  • Industry:

    Ice Cream & Confectionery

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